Our Services
Fire Compliance Services
Let us tailor a package for you to include all the inspection services and administrative fire compliance requirements for your business or apartment block.
Fire Compliance Audit
Fire audit reports are prepared to be simple, yet detailed, identifying the requirements to ensure fire compliance for your property or business.
Building and business owners have a legal obligation to ensure the safety of all persons in the event of a fire or a hazardous materials emergency. Identifying shortfalls allows you to relax in the knowledge that in the event of a real incident, you can be confident you did everything within your power to prevent the emergency and control the circumstances, you may very well save a life and at the least reduce damage to your assets. An on-site Sunshine Coast Fire Compliance inspection will reveal any items of non-compliance and reveal solutions.
Fire Evacuation Plans and Diagrams
Your fire evacuation plan will be created exclusively for your building or organisation, identifying your installations and addressing your solutions for a successful evacuation in the event of an emergency.
It will include the following, to ensure your compliance and understanding of how to respond to an emergency:
Kept in a written form;
States all required information;
Required contact details;
Fire safety management procedure;
Training arrangements;
Emergency response exercises;
Included evacuation diagrams;
Relevant approval documents;
Certificate of Classification and Fire engineered alternative solutions for the building; and
A list of fire safety installations within the building.
Evacuation Practice and Staff Fire Training to ensure Compliance
We offer training services to ensure your staff understand how to respond in an emergency, special packages are available for the Sunshine Coast.
Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 requires that the occupier of a building must carry out an evacuation practice with an appropriate number of persons, in an appropriate way and at intervals of not more than one year in order to remain compliant.
Your evacuation practice will reveal the effectiveness of your current emergency procedures, this will provide confidence and experience for your Emergency Response Team. Shortfalls will be addressed to ensure continual improvement for your organisation.
General Evacuation training must be conducted in all workplaces annually and Fire Response Evacuation Training is a bi-annual requirement.
Emergency Planning Committee training, including Fire Wardens must be conducted annually and following changes to your emergency procedures.
Your compliance is our priority.
Fire Safety Adviser Service
A Fire Safety Adviser is required if your building is:
- A class 2, 3, 5, 6, 7b, 9a or 9b building that is a workplace where 30 or more workers are normally employed.
- A class 2 or 3 building that is more than 25 meters in effective height.
- A licensed building that has been identified by the Commissioner as an at-risk building.
QFES recommends that Body Corporate or Managing Entity appoint an FSA to increase the level of fire safety awareness in the whole building.
Sunshine Coast Fire Compliance may assume the role of FSA on behalf of your business or apartment building to save your management team from employing one of their own.
A bonus is that we are currently working within the industry so we are always switched on to your requirements and may readily identify assist you to and address non-compliances should they arise.
Initial Compliance
Emergency Response Plan
All buildings Class 2 and above are required to have an emergency response plan - allow Sunny Coast Fire to complete this with ease for you.
Division 2, Subdivision 1 - Keeping fire and evacuation plans in a specified form.
The Occupier of a building must ensure the fire and evacuation plan for the building is available onsite at all times in a specified format. -
Evacuation Diagrams
Every building with a total floor area greater than 300 sqm must have evacuation signs/diagrams (except Class 1a and 10 buildings.)
Annual Requirements
Evacuation Practice
All occupiers are required to conduct an evacuation of a building annually it must be completed by:
(a) by an appropriate number of persons; and
(b) in an appropriate way; and
(c) at intervals of not more than 1 year. -
Fire Compliance Package
Building Fire Systems Audit,
Evacuation Training (including fire extinguisher),
* Annual Evacuation Practice,
* Annual Occupiers Statement,
* Evacuation Coordinator position. -
Evacuation Training
Division 6 - Fire and evacuation instructions
Sub-divison 3 - General Evacuation Instructions.
A procedure must be in place to provide "adequate instruction" to prescribed persons.
Additional Services Available
Fire Safety Adviser
Division 6 - Sub-division 2
The occupier of a high occupancy building must appoint a person who holds a current building fire safety qualification as the fire safety adviser for the building. -
Evacuation Coordinator
In the case of a Class 2 building that has no employees or workers within the building, the body corporate or managing entity must appoint an Evacuation Coordinator for the building.
As the holder of a Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety, I am able to supply assistance with your Safety Management System including;
✓ WHS inspections;
✓ Hazard identification and reduction;
✓ Preparation of SWMS and JSA's etc.

Stay Fire Compliant with Sunshine Coast Fire Compliance!
We’re your trusted partner in ensuring safety and compliance with building regulations. From assessment and monitoring to training and reporting, we provide a comprehensive solution to keep your property fire-safe and compliant.
Contact us today to safeguard your future!